BFI Southbank, Belvedere Road, Central London, Greater London, SE1 8XT
Thu, 01 February 2024 - Tue, 12 March 2024
The first-ever comprehensive retrospective in the UK of the work of acclaimed directors Paolo and Vittorio Taviani will launch at BFI Southbank in February.
Entitled ‘Magical Realism - The Film Fables of the Taviani Brothers’, the season will cover over 50 years of film-making, with surviving brother, 92-year-old Paolo Taviani, joining season curator Adrian Wootton for an In Conversation.
The season, which has been curated by Adrian Wootton and is presented at BFI Southbank in partnership with Cinecittà, runs from 1 February to 12 March, and includes PADRE PADRONE (Cannes Palme D’Or, 1977), which launched the brothers’ international careers, and their multi-award-winning masterpiece THE NIGHT OF THE SHOOTING STARS.
Tickets for screenings in February are now on sale here:
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