Offshore Windfarm Tour for Two

Offshore Windfarm Tour for Two

Brighton, East Sussex


Renewable energy is the hot topic of our time. With this eye-opening tour for two, get up close and personal to a windfarm and discover how wind - a clean and abundant energy source - is harnessed to produce electricity. From Brighton Marina, sail to the Rampion offshore windfarm. This awe-inspiring set of turbines began construction in 2016 and will comprise 116 turbines in total upon completion. Depending on the current construction levels, the boat will carry its passengers right underneath the mighty turbines. As well as gazing at the mighty arms revolving, learn about the substantial subsea work going on out of sight, which includes laying and burying cables. On the return to shore, travel via the picturesque Brighton Seafront

Special Offer At Offshore Windfarm Tour for Two



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Events At Offshore Windfarm Tour for Two



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