Golf Masterclass with a PGA Pro and Lunch for Two at Marriott Breadsall Priory

Golf Masterclass with a PGA Pro and Lunch for Two at Marriott Breadsall Priory

Morley, West Yorkshire


Brush up on a range of golfing expertise with this intermediate lesson under the expert guidance of a PGA pro. Begin the experience with a three hour morning session, focusing on set-up and improving swing technique. Next, get a detailed performance analysis either by video or using Explanar - an advanced swing training aid. After lunch, practice elements of the short game, including chipping, bunker play and putting with the pro on hand to offer invaluable golfing tips. The day's itinerary may change according to the level of golfers, but everyone should see a noticeable improvement to their game. As part of the experience, receive three month's access to an email golf helpline service from the date of participation (max six emails each

Special Offer At Golf Masterclass with a PGA Pro and Lunch for Two at Marriott Breadsall Priory



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Events At Golf Masterclass with a PGA Pro and Lunch for Two at Marriott Breadsall Priory



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