Cannon Hall Farm, Bark House Ln, Cawthorne, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 4AT
Sat, 29 March 2025 - Mon, 21 April 2025
Spring is the favourite time of year at Cannon Hall Farm, where we see the triumph and tragedy of lambing season with daily activity in our roundhouse.
Our lambs are due to arrive just in time for the Spring school holidays – so make sure you pay us a visit for the very best chance to see a live birth for the perfect family day out in Yorkshire.
We want to share the action with your family – as well as provide education and entertainment for our younger visitors.
If you looking for things to do with kids in Yorkshire, join us and help us welcome our new lambs (and hopefully see a brand new life brought into the world).
Our farmers – who have been made famous thanks to their appearances on Channel 5 TV show Springtime on the Farm and The Yorkshire Vet – will be in the roundhouse every day answering your questions.
Your farm admission ticket includes entry plus:
We will be lambing between March 29 and April 21, 2025.
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